Linda Christas

Frequently Asked Questions

Who or what is the I.A.S.C.?

The I.A.S.C. is a group internationally known academics, authors, former members of the military (both officers and regulars), physicians in private practice, scientists, radio and television personalities, pastors, business executives and citizens who have an interest in supporting an alternative concept regarding quality education in the United States.

Who can be accredited by the International Association of Schools and Colleges (I.A.S.C.)?

Any school, assembly or credentialed teacher in private practice is eligible for I.A.S.C. accreditation. The criteria for such accreditation are listed elsewhere on this web site. Further information about I.A.S.C. accreditation can be obtained also via e-mail through the inquiry form located here.

What does I.A.S.C. accreditation signify?

I.A.S.C. accreditation is a designation for any academic program that students are individually evaluated to determine each student's interests, aptitudes, skill levels, learning style, and emotional preparedness before curriculum and methodologies are adopted.

Who currently recognizes I.A.S.C. accreditation?

I.A.S.C. accreditation is recognized internationally by individuals and organizations who understand the difference between "top-down" (administration first) vs. "bottom-up" (student first) initiatives.

Don't private schools provide an alternative to the public schools in the United States?

Unfortunately, because of the societal inertia, as well as the large sums involved with top-down school structure, the majority of U.S. citizens maintain the expectation that only schools that plan curriculum and methodologies irrespective of individual student strengths or weaknesses are qualified to teach.

This has not been true historically. Private tutors are routinely expected by their sponsors to know their students prior to the beginning of instruction. And this has been the expectation of the wealthiest classes throughout history. Said differently, for many centuries those with sufficient capital have shied away from engaging their children in "top down," one-size-fits all schools. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, a philosopher and the last great Roman Emperor:

"From my grandfather, Verus, I learned good morals and the government of my temper.
From the reputation and remembrance of my father, modesty and a manly character.
From my mother, piety and generosity, and abstinence, not only from evil deeds, but even from evil thoughts; and further, simplicity in my way of living, far removed from the habits of the rich.
From my great-grandfather, not to go to the public schools, but to have good teachers elsewhere."

With the advent of the Internet, and the emerging recognition among top U.S. colleges and universities that students who have been instructed using a student-first philosophy are better able to function in an independent intellectual environment, slowly the general population is beginning to pull away from the system of education adopted by the Eastern states in the late 19th century, a system which remains by and large the standard for American education today. (College applicants graduating from student-first programs such as those accredited by the I.A.S.C. are accepted by elite colleges at approximately a 36% rate. This compares to an approximately 9% acceptance rate for the best students graduating from traditional top-down American schools, both public and private.)

Why was the I.A.S.C. founded?

The I.A.S.C. was founded in order to bring to the general population the philosophy of education that was and is predominant among the elite of all societies. The I.A.S.C. philosophy is considered by many too expensive for the ordinary citizen. However, with more than 300 billion dollars available to the public schools every year in the United States, there are more than sufficient funds to support bottom-up efforts in light of the new technologies available to the average citizen.

What would happen to the public schools in the U.S. if ordinary citizens preferred I.A.S.C. accredited institutions as opposed to the current system?

There is a continuing role for the public schools and their current staffing. Only the orientation and use of the personnel, funds, facilities need be changed. However, the public school organizational structure as it currently exists is very powerful, and there are those with vested interests in maintaining the status quo who are well financed. Until persons of vision and courage in government, school administration, the teaching and counseling professions, and American families insist on a student-first approach to education at all levels, will good-faith school reform efforts begin to be anything but cosmetic.

What is the current academic position of the U.S. senior high school graduates compared with those of other industrial nations?

Currently the best U.S. public high school graduates rank approximately 24th in the industrialized world in terms of skills and knowledge upon graduation. The consequences of this reality are many, for example:

Isnt what the I.A.S.C. advocates just common sense?

The I.A.S.C. understands the need for government-sponsored schools. However, by the nature of government, large shares (in some cases the majority) of funds allocated to government educational programs are spent for facilities and administration. This is so not because of any intentional greed on the part of those administering education, but rather the result of the current vision of what socialization and education entails.

Top-down schools may have been appropriate in an era of limited communication networks, and the need to Americanize large majorities of the populations in major U.S. cities. However, with todays technological advances, quality individualized education using a combination of existing buildings and organizations combined with media outreach, can remedy many of the social and intellectual problems resulting from the maintenance of the status quo.

(For example, existing school structures could be used for some common skills classes where students have no suitable place to learn and study elsewhere or who simply wish to attend a school with a more familiar organization. School buildings along with these more traditional offerings could be the home of libraries, social groups for all ages, sports programs for all ages, speech and debate centers, and many other efforts limited only by our imagination and inertia.

With over thirty million Americans now living alone; with disabled and older Americans finding it difficult to locate places and programs to remain integrated with American society, and with the intergenerational social structure desperately in need of revitalization, there is a profound need to re-think and re-structure our schools to make them more responsive to community needs, while re-establishing the America of individual choice. (Many of the symptoms of the lack of individual choice are represented in Americas classrooms in the form of violence, expulsions, suspensions and general malaise.)

How do I contact the I.A.S.C?

The I.A.S.C. may be contacted through the Linda Christas International School. Click here to visit the inquiry form.

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